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Grade 3-5, K-2
On-Demand Webinar

Empowering Young Entrepreneurs: Cultivating an Entrepreneurial Mindset Across Grades K-5 Subjects

Time: 60 mins,
Presenter: Cheryl Ayers


In this webinar teachers will be able to:

  • Understand research-based reasons to integrate entrepreneurship education across grades and core academic subjects as well as economics and personal finance.
  • Review basic entrepreneurship concepts, skills, and mindsets.
  • Practice thinking like an entrepreneur.
  • Identify age-appropriate, classroom-ready, K-5 entrepreneurship resources.

This video is available to view for EconEdLink members only.


Join us for this webinar on how to enhance K-5 instruction across subjects by cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset in students. After briefly setting the stage with research-based reasons to teach entrepreneurship, participants practice “thinking like an entrepreneur.” Participants also explore ways to use entrepreneurship concepts, skills, and mindsets as real-world contexts for teaching math, English, science, social studies, economics, and personal finance while simultaneously increasing student engagement and achievement. Recommended age-appropriate, classroom-ready, K-5 entrepreneurship resources included (e.g., videos, hands-on lessons, handouts, children’s literature bibliographies, etc.).
