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Grade 9-12

Making Sen$e with Paul Solman: Women’s fund seeks share of prosperity for female-focused firms

Updated: January 24 2022,
Author: barrel fan
Open Video

One of the major causes of the financial crash of 2008 was the insularity of the “good old boys” network on Wall Street, says Sallie Krawcheck. The former Citigroup CFO has started a socially responsibly stock mutual fund that promotes the world’s 400 most female-focused firms. Economics correspondent Paul Solman reports.

Ask students to discuss these questions after they watch the video:

1. In the video, they talk about women and men acting differently in the business world. Do they present enough evidence to convince you? Why or why not?

2. What are the pros and cons of investing only in businesses favorable to women?

3. Is it fair to base investment on gender leadership? Why or why not?