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Professional Development

The Council for Economic Education offers free professional development training wherever you are. Watch a webinar for a minimum of 45 minutes and you will receive a certificate of completion within 24 hours. Click here to learn how to use our webinars for professional development hours.

Webinars for
Webinars (by date) 669 of Total Resources


669 of Total Webinars

Workforce Innovation Now (W.I.N)

Skills to build a strong foundation of financial, digital and health literacy and employability and work-based learning!
Key Concepts: Budgeting/Money Managment, Business Organization, Credit and Debt…

Budgeting Basics for SPED Students

In this interactive presentation, we will discuss the foundational concepts required BEFORE introducing Budgeting skills, including Wants v. Needs, Income...
Key Concepts: Budgeting/Money Managment