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Standards for Earning Income NPFC-Voya Teaching Session

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National Standards in Economics

Name: Competition and Market Structure

Standard: 9

  • Students will understand that: Competition among sellers usually lowers costs and prices, and encourages producers to produce what consumers are willing and able to buy. Competition among buyers increases prices and allocates goods and services to those people who are willing and able to pay the most for them.
  • Students will be able to use this knowledge to: Explain how changes in the level of competition in different markets can affect price and output levels.

National Standards in Financial Literacy

Name: Managing Credit

Standard: 5

  • Students will understand that: Credit allows people to purchase and enjoy goods and services today, while agreeing to pay for them in the future, usually with interest. There are many choices for borrowing money, and lenders charge higher interest and fees for riskier loans or riskier borrowers. Lenders evaluate creditworthiness of a borrower based on the type of credit, past credit history, and expected ability to repay the loan in the future. Credit reports compile information on a person’s credit history, and lenders use credit scores to assess a potential borrower’s creditworthiness. A low credit score can result in a lender denying credit to someone they perceive as having a low level of creditworthiness. Common types of credit include credit cards, auto loans, home mortgage loans, and student loans. The cost of post-secondary education can be financed through a combination of grants, scholarships, work-study, savings, and federal or private student loans.

State Standards

Common Core State Standards

Name: CCRA.L.2

Standard: College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Language

Area: College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Language

  • Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.