Grades 9-12
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Have you ever used a “student discount” when purchasing a good or service? Do you think it is fair that you get to pay a cheaper price for the same product, just because you are in school? What other types of discounts are available? Would you consider this discrimination? If you are an economist, then you would refer to this as price discrimination. Why would a company practice price discrimination?
Now you might be wondering just what discrimination has to do with a web site dedicated to economics, but did you know that discrimination is sometimes at work in the prices you pay for goods and services? Consider the situation of two individual who want to travel from New Jersey to Seattle for the weekend on Airline X. Each person buys a ticket for the same airplane, in seats 11-A and 11-B, respectively. Jose buys his plane ticket online after he receives an e-mail posting from the Airline X advertising a bargain price for a flight to Seattle. Jose has friends in Seattle he would like to visit, and this weekend is as good as any. Kelly, on the other hand, is already at the airport and buys her ticket directly from Airline X. Kelly has just been directed by the company she works for to be in Seattle for an important Saturday morning meeting. Both people are buying the exact same service (transportation to Seattle), and they will be sitting in seats right next to each other. Explain why it would be reasonable to assume that both tickets will cost the same amount. [The tickets represent an identical service, so we would expect that each person paid the same amount.] Do you think Jose and Kelly actually paid the same amount for their tickets? Go to https://plus.maths.org/content/os/issue37/features/currie/index to read about an actual case of paying too much for a service.
You have just read about a case of price discrimination. If Jose represents the online purchase, how much did he pay for his plane ticket to Seattle? [$200] If Kelly represents the person at the airline counter, how much did she pay for her plane ticket to Seattle? [$1,000] How much more did Kelly pay for the same ride to Seattle? [$800]
How is Airline X able to charge different prices for an identical ride to Seattle? Do you think this is a good business practice?
Discussion Questions
To summarize, Airline X is able to practice price discrimination because of three critical factors.
Price discrimination occurs in a number of other markets. To find out more about price discrimination, visit Disney Discovers Peak Pricing.
Based on the information in the article, discuss the following questions:
In some cases price discrimination is illegal, as detailed in the The Robinson-Patman Act. Visit this link below to explore the circumstances in which charging different prices to different customers is illegal.
Grades 9-12
Grades 9-12
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Grades 9-12
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Grades 9-12