Grades 9-12
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How does the Federal Government spend the trillions of dollars it raises from taxes? Students will read excerpts from “A Citizen’s Guide to the Federal Budget” and use infographics from the Congressional Budget Office to identify the major spending categories of the Federal Budget and sources of revenue. They will also compare U.S government spending to the government spending of other industrialized countries.
How does the Federal Government spend the trillions of dollars it raises from taxes? Students will read excerpts from “A Citizen’s Guide to the Federal Budget” and use infographics from the Congressional Budget Office to identify the major spending categories of the Federal Budget and sources of revenue. They will also compare U.S government spending to the government spending of other industrialized countries.
1. Ask students if they have ever made a budget for their own personal spending.
2. Explain that the government of the United States passes a Federal Budget each year to plan how much will be spent on defense, Social Security, education, etc.
3. Ask students to brainstorm a list of other categories for government spending.
4. Have students read the Background Information about the Federal Budget and Hutchins Center Explains: https://www.brookings.edu/blog/up-front/2018/12/13/the-hutchins-center-explains-federal-budget-basics/. Then view the infographics from the Congressional Budget Office.
5. Students will use the information from these documents to answer the following questions:
6. Have students refer to the OECD chart on general government spending as a share of GDP and answer the following questions:
Which budget issues are most important in the 2016 elections? Ask the students to conduct independent research and write an essay on this topic.
Grades 9-12
Grades 9-12
Grades 9-12
Grades 9-12