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Resources (by date) 112 of Total Resources
Resources (by date) 112 of Total Resources

All Resources (by date)

112 of Total Resources

Why do we need money? Think about Ebay!

The students investigate money--its purpose and functions. They complete an exercise, using the online acution site Ebay, to learn why...
Key Concepts: Exchange Rates

There is Something in the Water

The United States is losing 60,000 acres of wetlands each year. Is this good or bad? Does anyone really want...
Key Concepts: Goods and Services, Scarcity

The Grasshopper and the Ant

Understanding the concept of opportunity cost is critical for good decision making. The ability to identify the opportunity cost—the highest...
Key Concepts: Balance of Payments, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Goods and Services…

Sand Art Brownies

In this lesson, you will learn about substitute goods. You will have choices to make in your role as a...
Key Concepts: Scarcity

Money Comes and Goes

Students read two online stories that introduce them to the elements of a budget and show that a successful budget...
Key Concepts: Balance of Payments, Budgeting/Money Managment

Taxation without Representation?

This lesson will take students through the series of tax acts that were enacted by the British government and disputed...
Key Concepts: Balance of Payments, Crowding Out, Debt…

What's My Interest?

Students explore the concept of interest by means of two activities. The first, a simple activity with jellybeans, introduces the...
Key Concepts: Balance of Payments, Financial Institutions

When Gas was a Quarter!

Why do things cost so much more now than they used to? Students will find out about inflation in the...
Key Concepts: Employment/Unemployment, Phillips Curve, Unemployment
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Why Work Now?

Why do people work so hard? Why aren't you just assigned a job that you are interested in and get...
Key Concepts: Balance of Payments, Goods and Services, Specialization…

How is Our Economy Doing?

Students learn the meaning and measurement of six important economic indicators and use the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank National...
Key Concepts: Balance of Payments, Employment/Unemployment, Phillips Curve…