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Party Platforms and Economic Issues

According to Gallup, Americans have considered the state of the economy "among the most important U.S. problems" since 2008. The...
Key Concepts: Budget Deficits and Public Debt, Employment and Unemployment, Roles of Government…

Campaign Finance

Compelling Question: In addressing the compelling question "Does money matter in political campaigns?" students work through a series of supporting...
Key Concepts: Public-Choice Analysis

Minimum Wage / The Challenge of Living on it

COMPELLING QUESTION Should the federal government increase the federal minimum wage? Increasing the minimum wage is a controversial issue in...
Key Concepts: Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis

Balancing the Federal Budget

ESSENTIAL DILEMMA When, if ever, should the nation prioritize balancing the federal budget?
Key Concepts: Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments, Budgeting, Credit…

The Economics of National Security

ESSENTIAL DILEMMA How do we know if we are getting good value out of the money we spend on defense?
Key Concepts: Budgeting, Credit, Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis

Medicare and the National Debt

In this economics lesson, students will discuss the value we place on guaranteeing quality health care to the elderly.
Key Concepts: Credit, Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis, Financial Markets…

Money and Elections

Students will be introduced to the sources of campaign war chests, learning about the recent court decisions that have allowed...
Key Concepts: Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis

Public Choice Economics

Students participate in a series of classroom elections to analyze special-interest effects and see how the costs of voting and...
Key Concepts: Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis, Public-Choice Analysis

The Panic of 1893 and the Election of 1896

ESSENTIAL DILEMMA Were the contradictory responses political leaders had to the panic of 1893 driven more by economic/political self-interest or...
Key Concepts: Budget Deficit, Budgeting, Business Cycles…

Economic Indicators for Informed Citizens

Newly updated! This lesson introduces students to three basic economic indicators: real GDP, the inflation rate, and the unemployment rate....
Key Concepts: Consumer Price Index (CPI), Employment and Unemployment, Gross Domestic Product (GDP)…

Cowboy Bob Builds a Community

A cowboy rides into a ghost town and decides that it needs to be rebuilt. Students will select the necessary...
Key Concepts: Roles of Government

Jobs: Who Needs 'Em?

In this lesson, students will look at the importance having some kind of job. At early ages they sometimes get...
Key Concepts: Employment and Unemployment, Trade-offs among Goals