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Resources (by date) 112 of Total Resources
Resources (by date) 112 of Total Resources

All Resources (by date)

112 of Total Resources

Unemployment Data: Is the Economy Healthy?

In this economics lesson, students will learn about economic data and what they communicate about the health of the economy.
Key Concepts: Business Cycle, Business Cycle, Employment/Unemployment…

FRED and the Federal Budget Interactive Lesson

Students will use a Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED) data dashboard to calculate budget deficits, surpluses, how much federal budgets...
Key Concepts: Balance of Payments, Budgeting/Money Managment, Business Cycle…

Balancing the Federal Budget

ESSENTIAL DILEMMA When, if ever, should the nation prioritize balancing the federal budget?
Key Concepts: Balance of Payments, Budgeting/Money Managment, Cost-Benefit Analysis…

Nearpod version available


In this personal finance lesson, students determine their monthly earned income and estimate how much they could be saving.
Key Concepts: Balance of Payments, Budgeting/Money Managment, Economic Institutions

The Entrepreneur Video

Teach your students about the benefits of being an entrepreneur. In this video a young woman starts her own business...
Key Concepts: Balance of Payments, Entrepreneurs, Goods and Services…

Nearpod version available

Spending Multipliers

In this personal finance lesson, students will learn spending multiplier and the marginal propensity of consuming and saving.
Key Concepts: Balance of Payments

Unemployment Survey Lesson Demo

In this economics lesson demo video, teachers will learn how to model Lesson 18 from CEE’s High School Economics publication. 
Key Concepts: Employment/Unemployment, Phillips Curve, Unemployment

Nearpod version available

When Graphs Mislead Us

In this personal finance lesson, students will understand how graphs can be misleading through real GDP.
Key Concepts: Economic Growth, GDP