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39 of Total Resources

Capital Chips (Part 2)

Through the use of a historical timeline of the capital investments made by the company the resulting benefits will be...
Key Concepts: Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments, Goods and Services

Changes in Change

This lesson begins with students visiting a web site that gives them practice in counting money. The second site goes...
Key Concepts: Economic Institutions, Goods and Services, Money

I Have No Money, Would You Take Wampum?

Through the use of folk tales, history, and the students' own experiences, students will recognize the inter-relatedness of goods, services,...
Key Concepts: Goods and Services, Money, Trade, Exchange and Interdependence

Population Growth: Friend or Foe?

The environment has recently been the focus of much research and discussion. Because productive resources are limited, it is important...
Key Concepts: Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments, Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

January 18, 2016 is Martin Luther King Day. Students can explore the history behind this day and this charismatic man...
Key Concepts: Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments, Division of Labor/Specialization