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Resources (by date) 112 of Total Resources
Resources (by date) 112 of Total Resources

All Resources (by date)

112 of Total Resources

Allocating Goods and Services

In this economics activity, students will match individuals with their preferred methods of allocating goods and services.
Key Concepts: Scarcity

Two Sides of the Same Story

In this economics activity, students will compare the opinions about the federal government's stimulus package.
Key Concepts: Crowding Out, Debt, Economic Institutions

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Econland Macroeconomics Simulation

In this economics activity, students go deeper understanding real world events using Macroeconomic concepts.
Key Concepts: Aggregate Supply and Demand, Business Cycle, Business Cycle

Closing the Gap

In this economics lesson, students will identify factors affecting GDP in different countries.
Key Concepts: Economic Growth, GDP

Unemployment Survey - Interactive

In this unemployment game, students will have to decide if a person is employed, unemployed or not in the workforce. 
Key Concepts: Employment/Unemployment, Phillips Curve, Unemployment

U.S. farmers and the Cuban embargo

In this economics lesson, students examine trade barriers using the U.S. trade embargo with Cuba.
Key Concepts: Balance of Payments, Barriers to Trade, Foreign Policy…

Worker Safety - The Triangle Fire Legacy

In this economics lesson, students study job safety using the Triangle Fire and black lung outbreak.
Key Concepts: Economic Institutions, Employment/Unemployment, Phillips Curve…

Taxation and the National Debt

In this economics lesson, students will analyze arguments concerning income and corporate taxes and the impact of national debt.
Key Concepts: Fiscal Policy, Fiscal Policy, Taxation

Social Security and the National Debt

In this economics lesson, students will analyze charts and proposals to learn about the issues facing Social Security.
Key Concepts: Crowding Out, Debt, Economic Institutions