Content Partner
Students will be able to:
- Learn about timely economic issues and understand how the frameworks and theories taught in class relate to real-world events.
- Learn about a very wide range of topics: immigration, trade, fiscal policy, environmental policy, monetary policy, financial markets, the social safety net, gender discrimination, racial discrimination, tax policy, and others.

On this website, you can see how the frameworks and theories taught in class relate to real-world timely events.
EconoFact is a non-partisan publication designed to bring key facts and incisive analysis to the national debate on economic and social policies. Launched in January 2017, it is written by leading academic economists from across the country who belong to the EconoFact Network. It is a publication of the Fletcher School, Tufts University.
There is a wide range of topics that we present that can be used for educational purposes. Also, the memos, podcasts and videos are aimed to those with little or no background in economics while retaining the sophistication of analysis that the authors exhibit in their research, teaching and policy experience.
Our mission at EconoFact is to provide even-handed analyses of timely economic policy issues drawing on data, historical experience and well-regarded economic frameworks. The presentation is primarily in short memo form. The memos are written in a manner that is accessible to a wide audience, even when discussing complex economic and statistical analyses. We also have a weekly podcast series, EconoFact Chats, that has featured distinguished economists, including two Nobel Laureates, the past three Chief Economists of the IMF, two former Chairmen of the Council of Economic Advisors, a number of members of the CEA and other leading economists, as well as journalists working on economic issues. We recently launched a video series, EconoFact Explains, that targets high school and college students taking economic courses.
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