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National Personal Finance Challenge

The National Personal Finance Challenge (NPFC) is a nationwide competition that provides high school students the opportunity to build and demonstrate their knowledge of money management. Teams showcase their expertise in the concepts of earning income, buying goods and services, saving, using credit, investing, and protecting.


Content Partner

Building Wealth: Saving for a Lifetime

Building Wealth is a personal finance education resource that presents an overview of wealth-building strategies.
Key Concepts: Budgeting/Money Managment, Taxes
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Decision Making

In this personal finance lesson, students will use a five-step model to learn about decision making.
Key Concepts: Decision Making, Opportunity Cost, Opportunity Cost…
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Uncle Sam Takes a Bite

In this personal finance lesson, students will learn about the basic principles of personal income tax.
Key Concepts: Taxes
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Managing Your Money

In this personal finance lesson, students will practice making budgeting decisions for a young family.
Key Concepts: Budgeting/Money Managment, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Marginal Analysis
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Managing Risk

In this personal finance lesson, students will understand the costs and benefits of the key types of insurance. 

Compound Interest

In this personal finance lesson, students will compare simple and compound interest on savings.

Nearpod version available

Earning Credit

In this personal finance lesson, students will learn to compound interest and amortization to calculate the cost of a car.
Key Concepts: Risk Managment/Insurance

Exploring Taxes

In this personal finance lesson, students will explore websites to learn about income taxes.
Key Concepts: Taxes


Content Partner

Traditional vs. Roth IRA

This tool can help you better understand the financial difference between a Roth IRA and a Traditional IRA.
Key Concepts: Budgeting/Money Managment

Content Partner

Financial Wellness Assessment

The six pillars of financial wellness provide a practical framework for managing your financial life. See how you’re doing.
Key Concepts: Budgeting/Money Managment

Saving and Investing Blitz

In this game, students will be asked a series of multiple choice questions. The longer it takes to answer, the...
Key Concepts: Balance of Payments, Economic Institutions, Monetary Policy


Content Partner


Use common sense, and, as the saying goes, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” This sums up the...
Key Concepts: Financial Institutions, Money, Money…

Content Partner

Asset allocation

Life is full of risks and rewards. The key is finding a balance. Asset allocation can help.
Key Concepts: Financial Institutions, Money, Money…

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Imagine your best retirement

Taking the appropriate steps now may help set you up for a better financial situation later.
Key Concepts: Budgeting/Money Managment

Content Partner

Matching contributions

Beef up your savings faster with help from your employer Piggy banks.
Key Concepts: Budgeting/Money Managment




Content Partner

Estate Planning (6:25)

Think estate planning is just for the wealthy? Learn the basics of how to keep your things in the hands...

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Investing Basics

This video will break down the basics of investing and explore practical ways to help you invest with confidence.
Key Concepts: Financial Institutions, Money, Money…

Content Partner

Budgeting (6:21)

Learn the basics of living within a household budget.
Key Concepts: Budgeting/Money Managment, Taxes

Content Partner

Savings series: Creating a budget (1:40)

Voya’s spending and savings series will help you take small, actionable steps towards overall financial wellness.
Key Concepts: Budgeting/Money Managment, Taxes

Content Partner

Voya Learn On-Demand

Check out Voya’s on-demand library of education content to help you with all aspects of financial wellness.

Content Partner

Financial Wellness in 5 (5:17)

This quick video will walk you through the basics of holistic financial wellness.
Key Concepts: Budgeting/Money Managment, Money, Money

Human Capital Video and Quiz

In this economics video, students will learn about human capital and play a Kahoot! game.
Key Concepts: Cost-Benefit Analysis, Marginal Analysis

Buying on Credit Video and Quiz

In this personal finance video, students will learn about buying on credit and play a Kahoot! game.
Key Concepts: Budgeting/Money Managment

Insurance Video and Quiz

In this personal finance video, students will learn about insurance and play a Kahoot! game.
Key Concepts: Budgeting/Money Managment, Risk Managment/Insurance

Credit Score Video

Teach your students about credit scores. In this video a young man wants to get a loan to make surround...
Key Concepts: Budgeting/Money Managment, Entrepreneurs