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Investing in a College Education

Every high school student is faced with one of the most important decisions of their lives: whether to go to college, which schools to apply for, and how to pay for it. In this module, students will learn how to weigh the costs and benefits of attending college. They will go through the decision-making process as they consider which school to attend and options for financing their education.


How Will I Pay for College?

In this lesson, students will learn about current trends in student borrowing and determine a reasonable debt load for hypothetical...
Key Concepts: Budgeting/Money Managment, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Marginal Analysis…

The 411 on College Education

One of the most important financial decisions people make is whether to go to college. The price tag of a...
Key Concepts: Cost-Benefit Analysis, Game Theory, Marginal Analysis…

Invest in Yourself

To explore the concept that people invest in themselves through education, the students work in two groups and participate in...

CPI- The Crystal Ball

Governments and other financial organizations are constantly measuring trends in the economy to try to predict what will happen next....


College Financial Aid Options

In this personal finance activity, students will review different options for college financial aid.
Key Concepts: Cost-Benefit Analysis, Marginal Analysis


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College Money Matters

Make smart decisions that maximize your college choices and minimize your debt.
Key Concepts: Cost-Benefit Analysis, Marginal Analysis
