Grades K-2, 3-5
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In this economics lesson, students will use real world examples to learn about goods and services.
Show the cover of the book, Bad Kitty. A copy of Bad Kitty by Nick Bruel is made available in various print and digital formats. Introduce the book to the class. Ask students the following questions:
Write the word “good” on the board. Now tell students they are going to learn about a similar word with a different meaning. Add an “s” to the word and ask students what the word says. Explain that goods are things people can hold or touch and services are things people do for you. Project the Goods and Services matching activity. Complete the activity as class to help students distinguish between goods and services. Ask students the following questions:
Before reading the book, show students the YouTube Video Bad Kitty series by Nick Bruel — Book Trailer on the projection screen. State the following,”Your task is to look for examples of goods and services as we read Bad Kitty together.” During the reading, the following are recommended stopping points for read aloud/think aloud discussions:
Group Activity
Place students in groups of 4-6. Each group will choose one pet and find goods and services for that pet. Hand out a large poster-sided sheet of paper folded in half to each group. On one side students write “goods” and on the other side they write “services.” Each group will search and brainstorm for goods and services for pets. To help students consider some of the goods and services needed to care for pets, create “pet centers” using the resources below:
Each group should present their work with the rest of the class.
Individual Activity
Distribute copies of What is a Good and a Service? worksheet. Have students complete the worksheet. Once the students have completed their task, they should share their answers with a friend. Discuss the answers as a class. Collect the What is a Good and a Service? worksheet.
Distribute one copy of the Goods and Services Quiz to each student. Have students complete the quiz and submit their sheet. Use the Goods and Services Quiz Answer Sheet to review answers.
Activity 1
Using 1-1 devices or in a group activity, assign students the Goods and Services matching activity 2. Have the students drag the picture of the service each one provides to the good that is made or grown. Students can then write one sentence describing the the difference between a good and a service.
Grades K-2, 3-5
Grades K-2, 3-5
Grades K-2
Grades K-2, 3-5, 6-8