Dwight Lee
University of Georgia
Athens, GA
Athens, GA
Dr. Lee holds the William J. O'Neil Chair of Global Markets and Freedom at Southern Methodist University. He is a scholar in residence and teaches in the MBA program.
Dwight says about EconEdLink, "A terrific resource for K-12 teachers and students."

Published Resources

The Economics of Voting: What Do You Mean My Vote Doesn't Count?
This lesson explores the costs and benefits associated with voting in national elections. Specifically, the conc…

K-2, 3-5
Toys for Me: A Lesson on Choice
Updated! In this elementary economics lesson, students will categorize and prioritize their wants to learn abou…

9-12, 6-8
I Don't Want Much, I Just Want More: Allocation and Decision-Making
In this economics lesson, students will assess the costs and benefits of product allocation methods.