Margaret Ray
Fredericksburg, VA
Margaret Ray is Professor of Economics at the University of Mary Washington, where she specializes in teaching introductory economics. She received her BS in Economics from Oklahoma State University and her PhD in Economics from the University of Tennessee. Her research is primarily in the areas of economic education and equine industry economics. In 2003 she taught AP economics at Collegiate School in Virginia. Ray received the National Council on Economic Education’s Excellence in Teaching Economics award in 1991.
She has been involved in the AP Economics program since 1992, serving as a reader and question leader, writing test items, overseeing the AP course audit, writing College Board "Special Focus" articles, and authoring the Council on Economic Education's Advanced Placement Macroeconomics (4th Edition) resource. She is also the co-author of Krugman's Economics (2nd Edition).

Published Resources

AP Macroeconomics - The Deficit and the Debt

Short-Run Equilibrium and Changes in AS/AD

The Business Cycle: Introduction to Macroeconomic Indicators

AP Macroeconomics - The Money Market and the Loanable Funds Market