Joel Miller
Joel Miller teaches AP Microeconomics, AP Macroeconomics, and college-preparatory economics courses at South Forsyth High School near Atlanta, Georgia. Joel has written lessons and led teacher workshops on economics and personal finance for the Georgia Council on Economic Education. His Adam Smith Division Economics Challenge teams have been state champions in Georgia. In his first three years teaching AP Economics, he boosted pass rates on both AP Macroeconomics and AP Microeconomics exams from 70% to 100%. Using lessons prepared by colleagues across the country to inspire learning and curiosity in his classroom is one of Joel's passions. He is both a contributor and user of EconEdLink's enriching lesson plans. Joel traveled to Cuba in spring 2019 and will present lessons learned there in Los Angeles at CEE's 58th Annual National Conference on Financial Literacy and Economic Education.

Published Resources

Federal Budget: The Fiscal Ship Game

Resource Allocation
