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C3 Teachers

College Career and Civic Life

C3 Teachers aims to empower teachers as they wrestle with the big ideas and instructional implications of the C3 Framework. Teachers play a critical role in helping students learn academic content using the C3 Inquiry Arc, which outlines the social studies habits of mind, disciplinary tools and conceptual content that students need to become ready for college and career, and most importantly, civic life. As social studies students map their own disciplinary inquiries, C3 Teachers embark on a pedagogical investigation examining and experimenting with their own practice as they support students' question, learn, apply, analyze, collaborate, express, and act in authentic social studies experiences. C3teachers.org is a place to learn more about that process and to share your experiences with other social studies teachers.

Published Resources

Campaign Finance

Compelling Question: In addressing the compelling question "Does money matter in political campaigns…

Free Trade

Compelling Question: In addressing the compelling question “Is free trade worth the price?” s…